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Reviewing the trail of the Caribbean


Reviewing the trails of the Caribbean.
Thanks to the Nevis Tourism Authority and Sponge Marketing, I was fortunate enough to spend time on the magical island paradise of Nevis (pronounced Neevis). St Kitts and Nevis is one country, but the two islands are very different, split by just a few miles of ocean. Nevis is the place to go, though, and well worth the short boat trip from St Kitts.
Nevis is small, hidden and quirky. An island that is only 40 km in circumference, it has just four main shops for food, and eight generators powering the entire island… Locals tell me there are often power outages and higher prices on imported food, which is all relative – considering the scale of the island, prices aren’t that expensive. And the best bit, there’s no fast food on the island. To be honest, there’s nothing fast about the island. If you like to rush around, maybe this place isn’t for you - or maybe you need it. It’s slow, but slow in a really good way.
This tiny island is also fantastically resourceful. Both the schools I visited grew their own food. Vast vegetable patches are maintained, harvested and eaten by the kids. The simplicity of life here is special and thought-provoking to say the least. The running and the volcanic playground is beyond beautiful.
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